Introduction to Insight Meditation

Donation Options

Offer more than the suggested donation - $175

For 6 Weekly Sessions, starting Sept. 12, 2023

Have a Coupon?

Coupon codes are only valid on the $150 (full price) page.

Money-Back Guarantee

If you decide the course is not for you within 10 days, we will refund the enrollment fee minus a $25 processing charge. Email [email protected] to request a refund.

Dana (Generosity)

Dating back to the time of the Buddha, there has existed an interdependence between those who offer the teachings and those who receive them. According to the Buddha, generosity, or sharing what we have, is one of the central pillars of a spiritual life. 

The Buddha created a system to develop a quality of open-handedness, whereby those who share the teachings are dependent on those who receive them. Monks and nuns go on daily alms rounds with a begging bowl, relying on the generosity of lay people for support in continuing their teaching and spiritual life. 

James has been offering these teachings on a dana basis for over 40 years through retreats and classes. The suggested donation is US $100 for the course (for 4 weekly classes). 

Each person’s situation is different. This suggestion is a guideline. You may give less or you may give more. The principle is that generosity should be a source of joy for you from a sense of appreciation for the teachings. You can choose one of the other options depending on your situation. 

If you need to offer less for the course or if you have any questions or concerns, you can email us:  [email protected].